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What items may I place in the dumpster?

You may place anything in the dumpster that is not hazardous such as construction debris, household items, yard waste, furniture and much more!


What items may I NOT place in the dumpster?

Items that are hazardous to the environment and items that are flamable are may NOT be placed in the dumpster.  Below is a list of common items that are prohibited.  If you have a question about something that is not listed, please call our office before disposal. 


• Automobile batteries and tires

• Dirt, ash, muck, radioactive soil

• Light bulbs

• Asbestos

• Chemicals (specifically, but not limited to) - automobile fluids, gasoline, paint thinner, paint still in a liquid state, pesticides, corrosives

• Light bulbs

• Computers and televisions

• Appliances containing freon or other chemicals


What is the rental period?

The standard rental period is 15 days for residential account and 30 days for contractor accounts. 


What if I need to keep my dumpster longer?

You may extend your contract for $10/day. 


How much notice is required for service?

GRD requests 48 hours notice prior to service.  


Will the dumpster damage my driveway?  Can it be placed in the street?

GRD is not responsible for any damage as a result of placement or pickup.  The containers can become very heavy and may crack a driveway, especially if it is already damaged.  GRD will not place a dumpster on a paver driveway without a Paver Liability Waiver.  It is also against our policy to place a container in the street for liability reasons.


What if I finish with my dumpster before the rental period is over, or if I fill it up and need a new one?

You may call our office to schedule service at any time during your rental.  Please allow 48 hours for service.


When will my dumpster be picked up?

Your container will automatically be picked up at the end of the contract unless you call 48 hours in advance to reschedule.


When is payment due and what forms of payment do you accept?

Payment is due at delivery.  We accept Visa, MC, Amex and Discover, as well as cash, check or money order.  A credit card is always required to reserve the rental.  If you do not pay the driver at delivery/service, your credit card will be charged.


What is included in my rental price?

Delivery, pickup and allowable tonnage, depending on size. A fuel surcharge may be added if your order is outside of our service area, but you will always be notified first if this is the case.


What if the driver is not able to pickup my container because it is over filled, blocked, too heavy or is not accessible?

If the container is too heavy, over filled you may remove some of the debris and reschedule service.  If the container is blocked, it is your responsibility to let us know when it is clear. A trip charge will apply.



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